Britney Spears on Kabbalah

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Ok I have to give Jess credit for stumbling upon this while looking through my pile of free magazine while she was waiting at my house for me to get home from work. It has to be one of the funniest things I've read in awhile and is further proof that Britney Spears is the dumbest human alive.

Interview with Elle:

Elle - "Okay, tell me about practicing Kabbalah."

Britney - "Kabbalah has helped my soul. I was brought up Baptist, and there's religions and all that stuff, and the Bible's written -- everything's in codes. And the thing that drew me to Kabbalah is, it all comes from light. This sounds so weird, I know, but I'm just trying to explain it in a way that -- like, it all stems from light. And Kabbalah, out of all of 'emis the oldest, er, it's so rich, I think it kind of overrules everything. Like, if I read a normal self-help book -- I think that the people who write these [Kabbalah] books are so on a different level, that if you can come into contact with their consciousness, it's like so profound and enlightening"


Elle - "Do you actually read Kabbalah books?"

Britney - "Yeah, I read 'em and I meditate on them."

Elle - "Are they in English?"

Britney - No, it's all Hebrew. I don't understand everything. But it's ok that you don't."

Priceless isn't it.....I mean I knew she was dumb, but it appears she is even dumber than I thought. It seems that the only thing she has gotten from Kabbalah is that it's trendy and "comes from light" what a hoot